IMPOWER US Patient Registry

The Intestinal Malrotation Patient Outcomes and WEllness Registry (IMPOWER) is a national patient-generated registry in the United States for intestinal malrotation.
Have you or your child been diagnosed with Intestinal Malrotation?
The purpose of this Patient-Generated Research Registry is to capture information on the symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up of individuals with malrotation and to serve as a contact list for future research study opportunities.
You are eligible to participate if you:
- Have been told by a clinician that either YOU or YOUR CHILD have intestinal malrotation. The child must be currently 17 years old or younger.
- You currently live in the United States.
- You currently have a working email address.
What will you be asked to do?
You will be asked to register with your contact information and complete as series of online surveys providing your health information. You will then be sent follow-up surveys every six months for as long as you want to continue in the registry or until the registry ends.
To begin the registration process CLICK HERE
For more information contact Sydney Martinez, Ph.D., Principal Investigator
Hudson College of Public Health
University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center
at [email protected] or (405)659-6935

The University of Oklahoma is an equal opportunity institution. IRB#12681